Thursday, June 11, 2009

Warning about Synthetic Hormone, Bio-identicals Safe

A recent NY Times article reads, "New Warning on Hormone Replacement." A clinical study found an increased risk in lung cancer with women who took hormones for menopausal symptoms. The key is, the hormone given in this study was Prempro, a pharmaceutically manufactured hormone and not a "bio-identical" hormone. In part two of a three part video series, Dr. Mahmud, anti-aging specialist and founder of Innovative Directions in Health, Edina, MN, agrees with the NYT article but he also educates on how to safely benefit from hormone therapy with bio-identicals. He also exposes dirty little secrets of big pharma and lets you know the right way to take bio-identical hormones. The education in this video below is priceless.

Suzanne Somers' most recent book, "Breakthrough: Eight Steps to Wellness" is essential reading on wellness and hormone therapy. Additionally, Dr. Mahmud authored a book on breast cancer prevention, "Keeping aBreast." Dr. Khalid Mahmud can be reached at 952.922.2345 or

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